Monday, September 25, 2006


im severly sleep deprived....havent slept in something like 8 nights or so..but somehow i still have the energy to do a hundred other things! latest problem...becoming an orkut addict....NOT good as work does not get done! waiiiiting for goa to happen...need a holiday...oh god im feeling sleepy just writing about sleeping....had a party sat night at iro's place...was just soooooo much fun...everyone was fairly zonked by 11 pm and therefore half the party left...but the one's who stayed behind were kickass! nice amount of kudiks happened....especially kusha who was at her entertaining best!!! eventually named abhimaaaaanyu MANJUUU and only she can say it right!!! during the course of the ever so drunken night kusha was named Bizzmillah...YESS.... dont ask why..but she wants to name one of her triplets that...and now she's bizmi...also had chumbbymanyu's feet near my face...which wasnt a fun situation to be had the over -powering smell of fa talcum powder which we had extremely joblessly decided to cover manju's head with...poor child...was so oblivious to the shananigans that were taking place around him while he was in deep slumber......should have baptised manju and her as these names are gonna stick around for a still the same old borrriiing gopa...teehee:D just happy im not stuck with some ridiculous name like bizmi! oh brilliant now the sleepy feeling is gone!! FINALLY i can work without feeling droopy eyed!!!!

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